A half full Ultra Violet Monster currently sits on my desk, I can barely hear my three-year-old over the fan set on full power (intentional) and I'm wondering how I want to introduce you to my world.
This website began as an appreciation for mom bloggers on the world wide web who were up late with me in the early days of motherhood, who made me laugh with a ridiculous picture or post, and who gave me permission to say out loud that some days just suck.
I have planned and re-planned, deleted, edited and added, wondering if I want my name associated with my thoughts (what would those who know me think?), but I would like to be honest about life's ups and downs and share them with you.
I hope to include things that keep us busy, products that I have tried and love, the ugly truth of hard parenting moments and everything in-between.
I have three littles: Violet (3-years-old), Lilith (2-years-old) and Eli (7-months-old). They amaze me, enable me to be a better person and yes, sometimes make me want to pull my hair out.
Welcome to my little corner of the world, come on in, it's cold outside.